VQA annotation

2016年10月24日 本文总阅读量

ImageNet 已经成为全球最大的图像识别数据库,每年一度的比赛也牵动着各大巨头公司的心弦,如今图像识别已经能做到很高的水准。下一步是图像理解,ImageNet 创始人李飞飞开启了Visual Genome(视觉基因组)计划,要把语义和图像结合起来,推动人工智能的进一步发展。近日 Visual Genome 论文发布。


一个叫 Visual Genome 的图像数据库,可能会推动计算机实现这个目标。它由斯坦福计算机视觉教授、人工智能实验室主任李飞飞和几个同事开发,我们知道李飞飞教授过去创建了 ImageNet,而 Visual Genome 是后 ImageNet 时代计算机视觉在理解图片上的训练和测试数据集。

在 Visual Genome 的官方网站上,把它定义为:Visual Genome 是一个数据集,知识库,不断努力把结构化的图像概念和语言连接起来。


目前包含:108249 张图片,420 万对区域的描述(Region Descriptions),170 万视觉问答(Visual Question Answers),210 万对象案例(Object Instances),180 万属性(Attributes),180 万关系(Relationships).论文全文Visual Genome:Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsourced Dense Image Annotations,是对数据集的说明,数据的中文说明可以查看:http://www.yangfenzi.com/keji/59566.html 。所有的东西都映射到 Wordnet Synsets。




在这篇论文中,我们介绍了 Visual Genome 数据集,以及使用这种关系进行建模。我们收集了对象、属性、图片里关系的密集注释,以学习这些模型。特别的,我们的数据集包括了超过 10 万张图片,每一张图片都包含了平均 21 个对象,18 种属性和 18 种物体之间的关系。我们规范化了从对象、属性、关系、区域描述里的名词和短语和问答对到 WordNet 同义词集的关系。这些注释代表了图像描述、属性、关系和问答里最密集、规模最大的数据集。

visual genome官网含有丰富的数据集和说明,从region,objects,Attributes,Relationships,clustering,canonicalization,question Answers角度说明标签的分布,而且用可视化的方法展示数据。官网还提供团队的相关论文,图片标签示例和以文搜图,而且这些数据全部开源。







Train a deeper LSTM and normalized CNN Visual Question Answering model. This current code can get 58.16 on Open-Ended and 63.09 on Multiple-Choice on test-standard split

only considers questions whose answers come from a predefined closed world of 16 basic colors or 894 object categories. also considers questions generated from templates from a fixed vocabulary of objects, attributes, relationships between objects, etc. In contrast, our proposed task involves open-ended, free-form questions and answers provided by humans.

Baselines We implemented the following baselines: 1) random: We randomly choose an answer from the top 1K answers of the VQA train/val dataset. 2) prior (“yes”): We always select the most popular answer (“yes”) for both the open-ended and multiple-choice tasks. Note that “yes” is always one of the choices for the multiple-choice questions. 3) per Q-type prior: For the open-ended task, we pick the most popular answer per question type (see the appendix for details). For the multiple-choice task, we pick the answer (from the provided choices) that is most similar to the picked answer for the open-ended task using cosine similarity in Word2Vec[37] feature space. 4) nearest neighbor: Given a test image, question pair, we first find the K nearest neighbor questions and associated images from the training set. See appendix for details on how neighbors are found. Next, for the open-ended task, we pick the most frequent ground truth answer from this set of nearest neighbor question, image pairs. Similar to the “per Q-type prior” baseline, for the multiple-choice task, we pick the answer (from the provided choices) that is most similar to the picked answer for the open-ended task using cosine similarity in Word2Vec[37] feature space.

Question Channel: This channel provides an embedding for the question. We experiment with three embeddings – 1) Bag-of-Words Question (BoW Q): The top 1,000 words in the questions are used to create a bag-of-words representation.Since there is a strong correlation between the words that start a question and the answer (see Fig. 5), we find the top 10 first, second, and third words ofthe questions and create a 30 dimensional bag-of-words representation. These features are concatenated to get a 1,030-dim embedding for the question. 2) LSTM Q: An LSTM with one hidden layer is used to obtain 1024-dim embedding for the question. Each question word is encoded with 300-dim embedding by a fully-connected layer + tanh non-linearity which is then fed to the LSTM. The input vocabulary to the embedding layer consists of all the question words seen in the training dataset. 3) deeper LSTM Q: An LSTM with two hidden layers is used to obtain 2048-dim embedding for the question, followed by a fully-connected layer + tanh non-linearity to transform 2048-dim embedding to 1024-dim. The question words are encoded in the same way as in LSTM Q.

##Basic Statistics Total images: 108,077 Average image size (px): 500.14 Maximum image size (px): 1,280 Minimum image size (px): 72 Total region descriptions: 4,297,502 Total image object instances: 1,366,673 Unique image objects: 75,729 Total object-object relationship instances: 1,531,448 Unique relationships: 40,480 Total attribute-object instances: 1,670,182 Unique attributes: 40,513 Total Scene Graphs: 108,249 Total Region Graphs: 3,788,715 Total Question Answers: 1,773,258

Common Statistics

  Average number of objects Average number of relationships Average number of attributes
Per region annotation 1.01 0.63 0.77
Per image 21.24 17.68 16.08

###Learning to Answer Questions from Image Using Convolutional Neural Network 论文摘要,模型,结论的在线说明网站:http://conviqa.noahlab.com.hk/project.html

In this paper, $s_rf$ is chosen as 3 for the convolution process. The input of the first convolution layer for the sentence CNN is the word embeddings of the question:




分析:在cloudCV上,运用Deeper LSTM+ normalized CNN,代码见here 得到结果如下:


color color color color


类型1:动物类型 20%


类型2:动物数量 20%

图片中有几只动物? 图中黑色的狗有几条?

类型3:简单颜色属性或者位置关系 60%

猫在哪里? 图中的猫是什么颜色?